Coatings Technology Blog

How An Early Partnership With Your Coating Supplier Provides Benefits

No matter your industry, there will be times when you need to coat a part — whether to protect it from conditions in its target application, improve its performance, extend its lifetime or simply to enhance its aesthetics.

Video - Our Engineered Coating Process

This video shows how General Magnaplate fortifies your engineered coating by infusing polymers into the substrate and applying a proprietary sealing process so it becomes an integral part of the new surface.

Engineered Coatings Add To a Contract Manufacturer’s Success

When it comes to contract manufacturing, relationships matter. Not only must you earn customer trust every day, you must also hope that the companies you partner with to help you serve your customers share your commitment to quality and service.

Electroless Nickel Plating - Understand Your Options

When it comes to protecting parts against corrosion and wear, electroless nickel (EN) plating has been around for a long time—in fact, more than two centuries.

Inside General Magnaplate’s Culture of Continuous Improvement

When you learn that a company has earned AS9100 certification, you know it is committed to continuously improving its operations.

Understanding the Many Facets of Corrosion

Sometime during your metal or alloy part’s lifetime, it will be vulnerable to corrosion. Corrosion is a common problem, and it occurs in many different forms.

Why Masking Deserves Time and Attention

When you need to enhance the surface of your part, chances are you don’t want to coat the entire part. Although masking is an essential aspect of the surface protection process, it is often an afterthought.

Take Early Action to Avoid Hydrogen Embrittlement

If your part is made from a high-strength metal or alloy and has undergone proper finishing processes, it’s easy to be confident that it will be immune to damage when used in the field.

How Engineered Coatings Prevent Equipment Failure in Aerospace Applications

Aerospace environments involve some of the toughest conditions for equipment. Threats like friction, galling, corrosion and high temperatures can cause some of the industry’s most common metals and alloys to fail.

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