Coatings Technology Blog
Engineered Coatings Add To a Contract Manufacturer’s Success
When it comes to contract manufacturing, relationships matter. Not only must you earn customer trust every day, you must also hope that the companies you partner with to help you serve your customers share your commitment to quality and service. That’s the kind of relationship that Firstex Industries, a global metal parts fabrication company, has established with Magnaplate. Firstex customers know the company will fulfill an order to their exact specifications and quality standards. And when parts require surface enhancement, Firstex customers appreciate — and ask for — Magnaplate engineered coatings.
When a customer tells Firstex what it needs from a protective coating, Magnaplate must deliver. “We look for quality products with consistent results that conform to specifications,” says Morgan Lee, the sales and quality control manager at Firstex. He describes the results he sees from other coating vendors as “hit or miss,” noting they simply don’t have the process controls that Magnaplate applies. By contrast, “Magnaplate has good checks and balances,” says Lee. "Their quality is impeccable."
Customers Change Their Specifications To Include Nedox®
One particular coating is at the heart of Firstex Industries’ and Magnaplate’s productive relationship: Nedox®. This family of engineered coatings offers superior protection against wear, friction and corrosion, helping less durable metals achieve the longevity and performance of chrome and stainless steel. It even exceeds the physical properties of common industry coatings.
When Firstex creates a part with gears, pinions or anything else that moves, they recommend Nedox. In fact, Firstex has enjoyed great success offering Nedox as a value-added option. According to Lee, customers often change their specifications to include Nedox with their Firstex orders, knowing they can’t find Nedox's quality from other coating providers.
When customer satisfaction depends on the quality of your surface protection, it pays to partner with a coating provider that values quality and service as much as you do. Because Magnaplate and its Nedox family of coatings provide Firstex Industries with quality and repeatable results, Firstex is the trusted choice for customers that demand parts with a top-notch coating applied to precision.
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