Coatings Technology Blog
Design Tips For Coatings

When designing parts for coatings, there are some things you’ll want to take into account. Even the most impeccably designed parts sometimes face problems during the coating process. By following a few basic design tips, you can avoid potential issues down the road. Here are some things to consider.
Eliminate Sharp Edges. If possible, you should radius any of your part’s sharp edges to help the coating adhere to more surface area. Should your part require sharp corners, consult with your coating supplier early in the design process to select a more durable coating.
Consider Dimensions And Tolerances. Applying a coating to your part changes its dimensions and tolerances. If these factors are critical to your design, you should keep in mind that your part becomes thicker after the coating is applied, especially if you want threaded holes coated (up to 4x thicker), depending on pitch.
Some parts are subject to line-of-sight process restrictions or require special equipment for processing.
Pay Attention To Racking. It’s important to know how your part will be oriented and supported during racking. If your part is too big and can’t be supported by a small hole, you’ll need to find another solution during design to assure that no areas are left uncoated.
Know Your Geometry. Picking the wrong coating process without considering line-of-sight coating can leave key portions of your part uncoated. To avoid this issue, pay as much attention to your part’s geometry as its mechanical and physical properties.
Avoid Brittle Surfaces. Hydrogen embrittlement sometimes occurs during the cleaning processes of high strength alloys or materials like titanium or tool steels. If your parts are made from hardened materials, inform your coating vendor ahead of time so they can recommend changes to your base material or find alternative cleaning options.
FDA-Compliant Coatings. “Smart coatings” may require baking in an oven. Make sure there is an evacuation hole for heating and chilling rolls.