Magnaplate News
Putting the 'Garden' back in the Garden State

Community is alive and well in Linden, NJ, if the events for Earth Day at Magnaplate and Magnalube were anything to go by. This year, the two industrial companies opened a newly built raised bed garden so all employees will be able to share in the harvest this summer and fall. What is truly unique about this endeavor is that a local farm will be providing the seedlings (and expertise) while an employee will be donating the compost from her compost garden at home. For over 40 years, Earth Day—April 22—has inspired and mobilized individuals and organizations worldwide to demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.
Candi Aversenti, CEO of Magnaplate, and Luke Saunders, President of Magnalube, purchased materials for the beds and some soil. The seedlings came from Ralston Farm – a Mendham farm run by Bennett Haynes who is starting off his first season farming independently, and runs a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) for residents to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. “We’ve always celebrated Earth Day and placed a great emphasis on recycling and the environment, but this year is something truly special,” reports Candi Aversenti, CEO of Magnaplate. “The collaboration of industrial companies, a local farmer and an employee who is donating her own compost, shows that there is a real sense of community and a real passion for caring about the environment.” “All of our employees were involved and we all enjoyed raking, digging and sowing seeds in the sunshine with some expert direction from Bennett Haynes. And this isn’t just for the benefit of the environment, all of those employees involved in helping out will literally be able to reap the fruits of the labor come harvest time.” Luke Saunders, President of Magnalube, added, “We are proud to play such an active role in this event and as a small thank you to Bennett we even lubed his tractor with one of our industrial lubricant products!” Both Magnaplate’s coatings and Magnalube’s lubricants extend the life of metal parts and reduce friction, which reduces scrap and the reliance on scare resources, while lowering energy consumption.