Magnaplate News

Plant Upgrades At General Magnaplate Texas Streamline Coating Operations

We’re excited to announce that we recently completed the construction of our new office space in our Texas plant. As part of this project, we also expanded our production space and modernized our equipment—enabling us to streamline our coating processes and better serve our customers.

General Magnaplate Texas operates out of two facilities. We constructed 3,500 square feet of new office space at one and renovated the other, including demolishing our old sales, quality control and production offices. This opened up roughly 5,000 square feet of warehouse space, which we now use for masking, incoming/outgoing inspection and production staging. In addition, we updated our TUFRAM® line with new, state-of-the art tanks and processing technology, enabling us to run more parts with greater speed and efficiency.

“General Magnaplate has grown substantially in the last five years,” says Vice President/General Manager John Larsen. “By creating a more open work area and eliminating a lot of wasted space, we’re now able to streamline a lot of our operations. This will allow us to better track customer orders, improve our quality and delivery processes and increase staff as business continues to grow.

“It was a step we had to take,” adds Project Manager Ligon de Vogel. “The construction cleared up a lot of congestion. It also created a better flow throughout our shop, improving the safety and quality of our work.”

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