Magnaplate News

Magnaplate Completes Company-Wide OSHA Safety Training

We recently completed our company-wide OSHA safety training for 2020. The training is integral to our commitment to informing our employees of current OSHA standards and keeping them well-protected in the workplace.

Classes were conducted over two days by Vanguard Environmental — a regulatory and environmental compliance training specialist. Employees were educated about exposure to chemical hazards in the workplace with classes covering OSHA’s Hazard Communication (HazCom) and the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for classifying and labeling chemicals. Additional subjects included Lockout/Tagout, forklifts, bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment (PPE) and emergency procedures.

“We continually strive to achieve the highest level of safety,” said Barry Wiedeman, Lab, Safety and Environmental Manager. “Our completed OSHA training adds to our employees’ education and their responsibility for the well-being of everyone in the company.”

Our employees receive OSHA safety training annually and whenever a new chemical or new equipment, such as a forklift, is introduced to the facility. In addition to providing OSHA training, we perform specialty in-house safety education on a regular basis.

Continuous training means our customers can be sure we make safety a top priority and diligently comply with OSHA requirements.

For more information about our commitment to safety, contact us.

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